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Hair transplant Tunisia

Hair transplant is a surgical practice that involves the transfer of one's own hair with its root, uninjured and with its attachments from one area of the head called the donor area to another bald or thinning area which is known as the recipient area. The transplanted hair in its new location will behave as it would have in its original site giving rise to normal growth.

The hair in the donor area is taken from the occipital and temporal (posterior and lateral) regions of the patient's head, indeed, in such areas, even in very extensive baldness, we will all have the opportunity to notice how the hair does not fall out because of the diversity of hormonal receptors in them. In practice, even people with very extensive and inveterate baldness retain a strip of hair that goes from the upper edge of one ear to the other and that will be useful for performing the surgery.
It is clear, therefore, that hair transplantation redistributes existing follicles and can not create new ones (hence the use of the term 'autograft').

Hair transplant Tunisia : how much does it cost ?

To obtain the cost hair transplant Tunisia, ask for a free quote or contact one of our counselors by phone for more information and details about this hair surgery.

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For whom is hair transplant ?

Baldness is experienced by men and women with psychological implications that sometimes negatively affect relationships with others, causing them to lose their confidence and to doubt themselves and their abilities. Unfortunately, the psychological implications are many, anxiety disorders, depression, lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem.

Then, having reached this point, convinced that we want to take this important step, we wonder whether the transplant works and whether we are the ideal candidates. Sometimes it happens due to a variety of reasons that vary depending on the patient, that one is not the ideal candidate for hair transplant and therefore not suitable for the procedure unfortunately. Not all people with baldness in fact can undergo hair transplantation and therefore only the surgeon will be able to determine exactly if you are a good candidate for hair transplant Tunisia.

Who can't opt for a hair transplant ?

Hair transplantation is inadvisable in these cases :

In patients with unrealistic expectations in relation to their often significant degree of baldness.

In those patients who have serious health problems that do not allow any surgery to be performed in full safety. The latter case includes patients with serious diseases or autoimmune diseases. For this reason, the patient will be asked to have a series of blood tests and a follow-up electrocardiogram before hair transplant Tunisia.

It is your surgeon and after the preoperative consultation and the diagnosis that he will tell you whether you can undergo this intervention or not.

How is it performed ?

Modern hair transplant techniques make it possible to regain hair in bald or thinning areas that grows regularly and does not involve any other care of any kind in the immediate or long term, other than routine washing and periodic shortening.
Currently, there are two most widely used techniques for performing hair transplant : FUE and FUT.

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FUE is a technique that involves hair transplantation by direct harvesting of follicular units ("tear-off" technique) resulting in small scars.

With this technique, the various grafts are harvested from the posterior and lateral regions of the head (donor area) using a hollow cylindrical scalpel (punch), potentially resulting in frequent follicle damage.

However, hair extraction is done "blindly," meaning that the surgeon can not see the actual orientation of the hair within the scalp, possibly producing damage to the bulbs, in addition to the fact that the extraction is done "by tearing" potentially damaging and breaking the hair roots.

The follicular units which are more or less traumatized are then inserted directly into the affected part to be replenished through small incisions.

In contrast, FUT, considered the gold standard of surgical techniques involves the surgeon harvesting a strip of scalp (STRIP) from the posterior or lateral regions of the head. The strip is then placed under special microscopes and divided into follicular units under the direct visual control of the surgeon with virtually no chance of damage. The surgeon will then make microincisions in the areas that are bald or to be thickened into which he will insert the hair to be transplanted.

What happens after this procedure ?

The recovery period

After hair transplant Tunisia, most patients may experience a feeling of "tightness" in the donor area (back of the neck) for 1 to 2 days. The numbness that may sometimes occur in the donor or recipient area normally disappears within a few weeks or months after surgery.

The results of hair transplant Tunisia

The results of your hair transplant Tunisia are satisfactory.
A small scab will form on each "cut" after surgery. When the healing is complete, the scab will peel off, leaving a pink-colored mark that will tend to lighten in a short time.

With the scab may also fall off the hair encompassed in it, but there is no need to worry : from the recipient area, after about three months, new transplanted hair will begin to sprout which will grow at a rate and in a manner similar to that of their site of origin.

This intervention allows the patient to have dense hairs which will make him regain self confidence and feel in harmony with himself.

Is dental implant painful ?

A locally available anesthetic is used to desensitize the area of the brain designated for the next surgery. During its early stages, this intervention might cause a slight loss of composure. But the limbs of pain fade into nothingness as the brain domain transforms into a condition of complete insensibility. In our patient-centered approach, a mixture of sedatives and analgesics is the main ingredient that creates a profoundly peaceful environment throughout the surgery stay.

After hair transplantation using follicular unit extraction (FUE), convalescence occurs with a lower pain score than after follicular unit transplantation (FUT). This difference in how people perceive pain is a result of FUE's intrinsically less intrusive design. Despite the unique differences in pain levels, your comfort is still our first priority and falls under our purview. If, at any point during the process, you experience even the smallest amount of discomfort, please express it. We are prepared to make the necessary changes so that your experience with this life-changing procedure is as painless as possible.

How to wash your hair after hair transplant ?

Washing your hair for the first time after surgery is a step that requires extreme care and caution.

Washing the Receiving Area

Gently pour lukewarm water over the recipient area using a cup or the shower head. Once your hair is completely wet, apply a mild shampoo like baby shampoo and massage it in carefully but gently with your palms. Rinse gently after a few minutes with water to remove all the shampoo. Let your hair air-dry. Do not use a dryer or towel. Reband the area if necessary.

Washing the donor area

Gently pour lukewarm water over your head using a cup or the shower head. Once your hair is completely wet, apply a mild shampoo like baby shampoo and massage it in carefully but gently with your palms. Avoid scratching your nails against the recipient area. Rinse gently after a few minutes with water to remove all the shampoo. Let your hair air-dry. Do not use a hair dryer or towel.

Can i expose my hair to the sun after hair transplant ?

During the first month, we must avoid all direct exposure to the sun, as well as water and swimming pools.

However, it's crucial to understand that protection doesn't have to be relegated to the first month alone! As long as the area remains red and no hair has appeared, it's imperative to protect yourself from the sun and other external agents.

The sun can leave marks, and as the scalp area is more sensitive, it can cause hyperpigmentation. If this happens, the area will become darker, affecting healing. This is why we advise against sun exposure after a hair transplant.

How to sleep after hair transplant ?

The best sleeping position is on your back. It is recommended that the head be above the body. To adopt this position, a 45-degree angle should be formed between the head and the body. The easiest way to achieve this is to use a high pillow or place two pillows under the head.

Positioning the neck and head area higher than the body prevents the donor and implanted areas from coming into contact with the pillow, and creates a hygienic situation. It's best to opt for pillows that aren't too hard, so as not to damage the newly transplanted hair follicles.

What is the success rate of hair transplant ?

Thanks to technological advances, hair transplant surgery is now considered an effective and successful procedure. However, defining what constitutes a successful hair transplant will be specific to each patient, depending on their goals during treatment.

For some, it may be to reposition the hairline, while for others it may be to increase density around the crown. Therefore, before undergoing surgery, it's important to have detailed discussions with your doctor about what the graft can realistically achieve. This will help put the final results in perspective and enable you to accurately judge the outcome of the procedure.

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