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Gastric Band Surgery in Tunisia:
The future of weight loss
Obesity can be a huge problem for many people, and not just in Tunisia but in the whole
world, and in some extreme
cases it could be highly risky or even fatal.
It is the leading cause to some of the worst medical conditions such as diabetes,
high blood pressure, and
even strokes.
Lately however, modern science has came up with all kinds of solutions for this problem,
doctors and scientists have
created many treatments and medical procedure to battle this disease.
Some of these treatments are very original and creative, such as the case of Gastric
band surgery.

How much does a gastric band surgery in Tunisia costs?
Generally speaking a procedure like gastric band surgery in Tunisia does not cost a lot of money;
most people are able to afford the costs, and the after surgery medicine is not very expensive.
There are also many ways to pay for the treatment in Tunisia such as medical insurance.
What is Gastric band surgery?
Gastric band also known as Gastric ring is a very common type of weight loss surgery for people that
are highly over weight.
It involves installing an adjustable band or ring around the top part of the stomach, not
allowing the patient to eat as much as they used to.
Does gastric Band Surgery in Tunisia exist?
In our modern time medical science has evolved so much and became more modern all over the world
and Tunisia is no different.
Many clinics around the whole country have started taking practice in gastric band
surgeries, and many Tunisian medical universities have started teaching it to future doctors and
How does a gastric ring works?
After installing the band around the upper part of the stomach, the lower part becomes somewhat closed up, making the top part work as a holder for the food and liquids consumed by the patient.
You can still eat and drink liquids however the amount consumed would be significantly reduced and you will feel full faster than before.
Approximately after four to six weeks, the patient may have their first adjustment to their band however they want it.
The surgent will tighten up or loosen down the band, the adjustment surgery takes about 10 minutes, as the weight lost progresses so does the adjustments.

Who can undergo a gastric band surgery?
Many factors come up when trying to undergo the gastric band procedure some of those are:
- Having a body mass index that is between 35 and 40
- Being diagnosed with diabetes or high blood pressure
- The patient must be fit enough to have a general anaesthetic and surgery
- Patient must be ready and willing to have follow up surgeries for adjustment
- you have tried all other methods of weight lost such as dieting or exercise and have or failed to any actual results.
- Making the decision to undergo the surgery
Deciding to have any type of medical procedure is a highly risky and important decision and gastric band surgery is no different.
That's why before having the surgery the patient must be fully prepared that means:
- Knowing the risks that involves the surgery
- Discussing the situation with your doctor
- Having tried other methods of weight loss and failed before deciding on the surgery
Having a gastric ring surgery can be a highly beneficial thing in your life, however you must be prepared for the have many changes in your life and in your diet, many people find a difficulty in that so you must be prepared and try to adapt to the new lifestyle.
How to Prepare for a gastric band surgery?
After consulting with your doctor, you must prepare for the operation; the very first
thing that must be done is to have blood tests to check and see if you are fit to have
the surgery.
The doctor will be giving you some instructions about your eating habits and will
sure be
ordering you to change your diet significantly so you must be prepared to make the
necessary changes.
Your doctor may also instruct you to stop smoking if you are a smoker to lower the risks of having an infected wound, they may also instruct you to have a low-calorie low-carbohydrate die.
This is done so that the liver shrinks and with that it could make the operation much easier.
Gastric ring surgery is done under general anaesthesia meaning you have to fast before the operation, your doctor will be giving you instructions on when to stop eating and it is very advisable to follow them.
On the day of the operation, your doctor will be meeting with you to check your well being and if you are still happy with your decision.
The medical staff will do the final check ups and tests before the operation and then will undergo the procedure.
What happens after the surgery?
You may wake up feeling tired and that is due to the anesthetic, so you have to take some time to rest and also you will need a pain relief medicine to ease the discomfort.
You will also find a drip vein attached to your arm for nutrition until u are well enough to drink, your medical professional will be encouraging you to move around and walk as soon as you can to lower the risks of chest infection and blood cloth in the leg.
Before leaving the hospital your nurse will be giving you some pointers and advice on to how to take care of your wounds to avoid infections and will be giving you the dates of your follow-up check ups.
At home
Make sure that someone is willing to take you home after the operation and will be staying with you for at least the first day.
There will be significant change in your diet, the doctor will be instructing you on what to eat and what to cut off, so you might want to do groceries shopping that is in coherence with the dietitian orders.
It might time to fully recover from a gastric band surgery; it would depend on who the person because everyone is different but be sure to follow the doctors advice on the matter.
Be sure not to put extreme physical pressure on your body especially during the first week, give your body the time to heal.
One of the most important things you will need to do after the surgery is to always follow up on the check ups and adjustment appointments.
Long term
In the long term run you will need to always check with your doctor or medical professional to keep you and them updated on your health condition.
You will also need to always have blood tests to determine the condition of your liver and the levels of vitamins and minerals in your body.
What are the risks and complications of gastric band surgery?
No medical surgery or procedure is risk free, there is always the chance of having some complications either during or after the surgery, some of these risks can be:
- Blood cloth in the leg from the lack of movement
- The risk of over bleeding during the procedure wich can lead to other medical difficulties
- If not careful the band around your stomach can stretch leading to weight gain
- Your stomach or other organs can be damaged during the surgery
- Risk of having infections in the chest or around the stomach band
After the procedure you may feel some forms of discomfort, you will have to contact your doctor if you have any of these symptoms:
- High fever
- High blood pressure
- Stomach pain
- Infections
- Finding it hard to breathe.
Not everyone loses weight at the same rate, it might take longer for some people and it might have more difficulties than other people's experiences with the surgery.
If you have so much discomfort to the point of it becoming unbearable, it is possible to remove the gastric band ; the removal can be done with a keyhole surgery, but you must contact your doctor before deciding on doing it.
You may also feel a mental discomfort after the procedure, it is very advised to join share groups and seek help from medical professionals of this area.
Tunisia offers so many options to help cope with the before and after surgery mental health.
Obesity can be one of the most uncomfortable and problematic diseases and can make someone's life extremely hard and filled with all kinds of discomfort.
You might feel uncomfortable in your own skin and simple daily tasks might seem challenging, and the biggest challenge is to make the decision to change and heal.
What’s really interesting is that Gastric Band Surgery in Tunisia is becoming well known and actually one of the very recommended ways to lose weight.
The journey to recovery especially for gastric surgery might be hard but the overall happiness and comfort that you will feel after losing weight is worth the risk so take the leap to a new beginning and a new you.
Is gastric band painful ?
Most patients experience some pain, which is normal after any surgical procedure. This pain is usually mild to moderate rather than severe or chronic. Many patients describe the sensation as if they had been punched in the stomach or done a hundred sit-ups. Pain should diminish in the days following surgery. However, many patients benefit from some form of pain control so that they can move and move about more freely. A few weeks after surgery, it's normal to feel some discomfort, even a little swelling. It's important to report any abnormal sensation and have it checked, as pain could be a sign of a complication.
Can you get pregnant with a gastric band ?
It is recommended to wait 12 to 24 months before becoming pregnant. You'll lose most of your weight in the first year after surgery, so pregnancy may be counterproductive to your weight-loss goals. Because the band is fully adjustable to your unique and evolving needs, it can remain in place during pregnancy. Depending on your specific situation, your surgeon may recommend loosening it to allow larger portions or emptying it entirely before delivery. If, for any reason, the gastric band needs to be removed during your pregnancy, the procedure is fully reversible.
Can you exercise after gastric band ?
It's crucial to add exercise to your life after undergoing gastric band surgery. It's recommended that you get 200 minutes of exercise per week. This can be accomplished by exercising for 30 minutes each day, or by working out for an hour at each session every other day. Starting a fitness program can be daunting, especially if you're overweight and haven't exercised in a long time. You may worry about your physical limitations or feel uncomfortable at first. The gastric band itself will in no way limit your physical activity. The band and access port are secure and cannot be damaged by inappropriate movements or shocks.
Can gastric band be removed ?
In some cases, a patient may not lose as much weight as anticipated by their bariatric surgeon, or the device may not be suitable for another reason. Although complications are rare, they can include band erosion, infection at the port, intolerance to the band or band slippage. These conditions may require adjustment, removal or replacement of the band. Again, complications are unlikely, however, if something warrants removal of the gastric band, this can be done. In fact, the band has been designed to be completely reversible. Gastric banding can be reversed by removing the device through the same small laparoscopic incisions used to initially place it. Recovery should be similar to that during band insertion.
Which drinks should you avoid after gastric band ?
Patients are generally encouraged to drink two liters (or eight glasses) of caffeine- and sugar-free water (or beverages) every day. It's important to remember not to drink beverages with meals, 30 minutes before or after. Any beverage containing sugar, corn syrup or fructose should be avoided after gastric banding. Drinking sugary beverages such as soft drinks and certain fruit juices during your diet can lead to emptying syndrome. Choose water, unsweetened packaged drinks, decaffeinated coffee and tea. Caffeine causes dehydration, so while you're getting used to your smaller stomach, avoid it.