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Abdominoplasty Tunisia
An abdominoplasty which is also called tummy tuck surgery is a plastic operation which aims at removing excess skin in the abdominal area. Often, wrinkled, sagging flaps of skin (fat flaps) are caused by extreme weight loss, for example, weight loss after pregnancy, dieting or following liposuction.
Congenital connective tissue weakness or aging can also contribute to the development of a severely expanded abdominal wall.
In addition to sagging skin, affected individuals often suffer from :
Stretch marks
A drifting apart of the vertically running abdominal muscles (rectus diastasis)
If the skin is no longer elastic enough, the tissue can not regress. Even sports or dietary changes do not help to get rid of sagging skin. This can be corrected by abdominoplasty in which the surgeon tightens sagging tissue downward and removes excess skin flaps. The belly button is often moved upwards during the procedure.
Abdominoplasty Tunisia : the cost
Ask for a free online quote to have the price abdominoplasty Tunisia, you can contact us by phone for more information about this procedure and to obtain abdominoplasty all inclusive price Tunisia.

Abdominoplasty : for whom ?
An abdominoplasty is primarily for people who have developed sagging skin in the area of the abdomen due to high weight loss or pregnancy, and can not be tightened on their own through special training and strict dieting.
Criteria for an abdominoplasty :
- Sagging abdominal wall after pregnancy
- "Fat apron" around the abdominal wall
- After extreme weight loss
- Very weak connective tissue in the abdominal area
- After a hernia of the abdominal wall.
Abdominoplasty is not for overweight people who hope to achieve a flat abdomen and a slim waistline through a tummy tuck. It is also not for fat reduction. The procedure is only considered if excess weight has already been reduced in advance.
In addition, patients who are unable to undergo surgery under general anaesthesia due to pre-existing conditions are excluded from abdominoplasty.
It should be noted that the result of an abdominoplasty depends on the individual type of skin and the condition of the subcutaneous tissue and muscles.
Before your abdominoplasty
Before your abdominoplasty Tunisia, you should not take any painkillers containing aspirin for 14 days before the operation. The blood-thinning effect delays blood clotting and can cause secondary bleeding. You should also avoid hormone-containing medications such as estrogen preparations or the birth control pill. Reduce your consumption of nicotine and alcohol to a minimum before the procedure. If possible, stop smoking three to four weeks before the surgery.
If you regularly take medications or suffer from allergies, be sure to inform your surgeon, you should also tell him about any known medical conditions before your abdominoplasty Tunisia.
For the time after the operation, you should plan at least seven to ten days off during which you will not be able to work.
The procedure is usually performed under general anaesthesia, an anaesthesiologist monitors the patient during the operation. It is best to discuss which preliminary examinations are necessary for this and when they will be performed with your plastic surgeon.
You will also have the opportunity to discuss anaesthesia with the anaesthesiologist.
Your surgeon will ask you to do blood analysis to check whether you can undergo this operation or not.

How is tummy tuck performed ?
Depending on the extent of sagging skin, the surgical method can vary. The ideal technique depends largely on your physical conditions and individual expectations. Basically, in every abdominoplasty, a long horizontal or differently curved, possibly also an anchor-shaped incision is made above the pubic area. The belly button is separated from the skin tissue with a round incision. In order to tighten the abdominal skin, the skin tissue is detached from the abdominal wall between the abdominal incision and the ribs. As needed, the plastic surgeon tightens the straight abdominal muscles by rejoining and fixing them. This is to make the abdominal wall firmer and the waist narrower.
The plastic surgeon now pulls the detached skin tissue downward. Excess skin is removed and the skin flap is sutured in place. To reposition the navel, a new incision is made in the skin and the navel is sutured back in place.
If only the skin between the belly button and the abdominal incision is detached and tightened, this is called a "partial abdominoplasty". The necessary incision is usually smaller, and the surgical relocation of the navel is often not necessary. However, due to the tightening of the skin downwards, it also changes its position.
At the end of the procedure, drains are usually placed to facilitate the drainage of wound secretions and blood. Depending on the extent, the operation lasts between 1.5 and 3 hours.
After abdominoplasty
After your abdominoplasty Tunisia, you must wear the compression garment day and night for
four to six weeks, otherwise the result of the surgery could be significantly affected.
Immediately after the procedure, you can expect mild pain which will be reduced thanks to
painkillers prescribed by your surgeon. Swelling and bruising are completely normal, as with
any surgery, including abdominoplasty.
If self-dissolving sutures were not used, the sutures can be removed ten to 21 days after the procedure. Initially, the scars are still very red and swollen, but over time they adapt to their skin environment.
You should refrain from sports for six to eight weeks. Massages and other excessive strains should also be avoided.
The results of abdominoplasty Tunisia
Abdominoplasty Tunisia results are excellent, the patient can appreciate the results after the surgery, but the final ones will be visible after 3 months once the swelling and bruising have completely disappeared.
FAQ Tummy Tuck
Why lose weight before Tummy Tuck ?
Losing weight before an Tummy Tuck is often recommended for several important reasons. First and foremost, an Tummy Tuck is not a weight loss procedure but a belly reshaping procedure. It is intended to remove excess skin and fat in the abdominal area and tighten weakened abdominal muscles. If a patient undergoes an Tummy Tuck while being overweight, there is a risk that the excess fat may not be completely eliminated, compromising the aesthetic results of the operation.
By losing weight before Tummy Tuck, the patient can achieve a better correction of their abdomen, as the surgery will be more focused on excess skin rather than fat. Furthermore, prior weight loss can help reduce the risk of surgical complications, such as infection and healing problems. It is also important to maintain a stable weight after the operation to avoid compromising long-term results.
Does fat come back after this belly operation ?
Tummy Tuck is a surgical procedure aimed at removing excess skin and fat from the abdominal area, but it does not guarantee that fat will not return. After the operation, it is possible to regain weight and store fat in the treated area, although the distribution of fat may be different from the original. To maintain the long-term results of Tummy Tuck, it is essential to adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise.
If a patient significantly gains weight after Tummy Tuck, it can affect the appearance of the abdomen as the skin and fatty tissues stretch again. For this reason, it is recommended to maintain a stable weight before and after the operation to maximize long-term aesthetic results. It is important to note that Tummy Tuck does not replace a healthy lifestyle and is not a permanent solution to weight gain.
What is the age for Tummy Tuck ?
There is no strict age limit for undergoing Tummy Tuck, as eligibility for this procedure depends more on the overall health and individual needs of the patient than on their age. However, several factors need to be considered to determine if a person is a candidate for Tummy Tuck.
In general, ideal candidates are healthy adults who have reached a stable weight and have significant excess skin and fat in the abdominal area, often as a result of pregnancy, significant weight loss, or aging. The surgery can be performed at different ages depending on these factors.
Women considering Tummy Tuck after pregnancy should generally wait until they have completed their desire to have children because a subsequent pregnancy could compromise the surgery's results. For older individuals, it is important to consider overall health, surgical risk factors, and realistic expectations for results.
Is Tummy Tuck painful ?
The amount of pain varies from patient to patient, but pain management is an integral part of the recovery process. Your surgeon will typically prescribe pain relievers to help you manage pain in the first few days following the operation. It is important to follow your doctor's instructions regarding medication and to report any unusual or concerning pain.
The pain gradually decreases over time, but it can persist for a few weeks. You should avoid sudden or excessive movements that could worsen the pain. Implementing comfort strategies, such as maintaining an appropriate sitting or lying position, using cushions, and reducing physical exertion, will help alleviate the pain.
When to have sex after Tummy Tuck ?
Resuming sexual activities after Tummy Tuck depends on each patient's individual healing. In general, most plastic surgeons recommend waiting at least 4 to 6 weeks after the operation before resuming sexual activities. This allows the body enough time to heal, reduces the risk of infection, and minimizes strain on the abdominal area.
However, it is essential to discuss this topic with your plastic surgeon as recommendations may vary based on the specific surgical technique used and your personal situation. Following your surgeon's advice is crucial to ensure a safe recovery and the preservation of Tummy Tuck results.
It is also important to maintain open and honest communication with your partner and ensure that you feel comfortable before resuming sexual activities. Tummy Tuck can result in temporary loss of sensation in the abdominal area, which can affect the sexual experience. Patience and communication are essential to ensure that the resumption of sexual activities goes smoothly and comfortably for you and your partner.
How to eat after Tummy Tuck ?
The recovery period after Tummy Tuck requires special attention to your diet to promote healing and minimize the risk of complications. Here are some tips on how to eat after this surgery :
- Follow your surgeon's recommendations
- Stay hydrated
- Balanced diet
- Light diet
- Avoid excessive salt
- Reduce alcohol and caffeine
- Eat small, frequent meals to avoid overloading your stomach and minimize potential nausea
Why is the abdomen hard after Tummy Tuck ?
After Tummy Tuck, it is common for the abdominal area to feel tight and hard. This sensation of hardness is mainly due to two factors :
Postoperative swelling
After the operation, there is an accumulation of fluid in the tissues, leading to swelling. This can make the abdominal area feel tight and hard. Swelling is a natural response of the body to surgery and may persist for several weeks.
Muscle tightening
During Tummy Tuck, the abdominal muscles are tightened and retightened to create a firmer abdominal wall. This initial tightening can cause a sensation of hardness, which gradually decreases as the muscles heal and adapt to their new position.
Swelling and the sensation of hardness are temporary aspects of the recovery period. It is essential to follow your surgeon's instructions to minimize swelling, such as wearing a compression garment and elevating your legs. Furthermore, it is recommended to avoid excessive physical exertion that could exacerbate this sensation of hardness. Over time, the abdomen will become softer again, but it may take several weeks to several months, depending on the individual and the surgical technique used.
What position to sleep in after this surgery ?
The sleeping position after Tummy Tuck is an important consideration for a comfortable and complication-free recovery. Here are some tips on the sleeping position after this surgery :
Semi-elevated position
The most recommended sleeping position after Tummy Tuck is semi-elevated, with the upper body slightly raised. You can use pillows to support your back and head, or consider a wedge-shaped pillow designed to maintain a semi-elevated position. This position helps reduce swelling and prevents excessive strain on the abdominal area.
Avoid sleeping on your stomach or side
During the recovery period, it is discouraged to sleep on your stomach or side as this can exert pressure on the operated abdominal area, cause discomfort, and potentially disrupt healing.
Sleep on your back
The safest sleeping position after Tummy Tuck is on your back. For those not accustomed to sleeping on their back, it may take some time to adapt, but it is essential to minimize the risk of complications.