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Gastric sleeve in Tunisia:
The way to losing weight very fast

Being obese or over weight can be bothersome for many people, sometimes you just don't feel comfortable in your own skin.

Having the will to change your lifestyle and trying to make you body look better is a good thing, it's very wise to strive for a better look, a body that when you look at you can feel proud that you have achieved.

However, it could be very challenging for people to lose weight, after all it's not easy, dieting and exercise can be hard and in some cases impossible for some people and it can actually lead to more harm than good.

But worry not, because modern science has developed ways to help with that problem, now we have surgeries like gastric sleeve to us with that.

Gastric sleeve in Tunisia is very known and well practiced surgery that helped many obese Tunisians lose weight and have better lives.

sleeve tunisie

How much does sleeve in Tunisia costs?

You might feel a little unsure about the procedure at first because you might think that it's expensive, but actually gastric sleeve in Tunisia is actually fairly not costly.
The procedure will be done by the very top best doctors in Tunisia and there are so many clinics and hospitals which can perform gastric sleeve in Tunisia.
The cost is in the spot so that would suit any average working person.

Does gastric sleeve in Tunisia exist?

Tunisia has adopted so many weigh loss and body enhancement surgieries, gastric sleeve in Tunisia is a very well-known surgery.
Gastric sleeve in Tunisia is done in so many clinics and hospitals and it's gaining popularity in the medical field of the country.
The Tunisian health organization alongside the government are highly interested in the new medical procedures of body beauty and weight loss gastric sleeve in Tunisia is gaining notice and popularity.
Gastric sleeve in Tunisia is also practiced and thought in many medical universities across all of the country.

What is gastric sleeve surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery is one of the most performed weight loss operations in the world.

A gastric sleeve is where a large part of the stomach is removed, so it's much smaller than it was before, with that it's turned from a pouch to a sleeve, meaning you get full faster when consuming food.

Gastric sleeve is performed more because unlike it's other weight loss surgeries like gastric ring or gastric bypass it does not require joints staying inside the stomach or any other object.

Meaning that the surgery is less complex and easier to perform.

Who is gastric sleeve surgery for?

Mainly the people who choose this operation suffer from an extreme case of obesity, you must have some requirements to be able to have the surgery, some of these requirements are:

  • Your body mass index has to be at least 40.
  • You must be 100 pounds more or more than your ideal weight.
  • You must have no history when it comes to stomach surgeries.
  • You have tried other methods to lose weight without any long-term success.

Before going through with the surgery, you must consult your doctor and your dietitian and make a plan for the whole process from the surgery to the recovery and the follow-up appointments.

prix sleeve tunisie
sleeve gastrectomie tunisie

What are the risks of a gastric sleeve surgery?

No medical procedure ever comes without risks, and gastric sleeve surgery is no different, that's why before undergoing the surgery you will need to know and understand the risks.

Some of them are:

  • Bleeding.
  • Infections in the chest or stomach.
  • Blood cloth in the leg.
  • The anesthesia may cause breathing problems.
  • Your body may have a problem absorbing certain nutrients.
  • You may develop a narrowing in the stomach sleeve.
  • Some people may have acid refluxes and heartburn.

How to prepare for gastric sleeve surgery?

Before undergoing the surgery, you will need to talk to your doctor and medical team about your decision to determine a plan of action and to determine that gastric sleeve is the best option for you.
You will need to cut down significantly on smoking cigarettes and alcohol drinking to reduce the chances of chest infections.
You will also have to be ready to alter your lifestyle and change it for ever, this might sound hard but with a strong will you will be able to do so and soon enough you will be able to see some fast results.
Before undergoing the surgery, you will need to enroll in a bariatric surgery education program; this will help you to better understand the surgery and life after it.
With the help of the bariatric surgery education, you will be able to have nutritional counseling and have access to a psychological evaluation.
You will also need to a have some physical tests and blood tests before going into the surgery and have some imaging studies on you stomach or have an upper endoscopy.
It is very advised to stop smoking several months before the surgery, this will help shrink your liver so that the operation can be easier without the risk of damaging other organs.
Gastric sleeve surgery does require anesthetic, so you will have to fast for at least 12 hours before undergoing the procedure.

What happens during the surgery?

On the day of the surgery, you will need to get to the clinic early, the medical staff and doctor will greet you then have you do some blood test and other physical examinations before going to the actual surgery.
You will have general anesthetic going into your system which will make you go to asleep during the whole operation.
The surgeon will use laparoscopy; they will be making some small incisions in you upper abdomen.
The doctor will then insert a laparoscope and put small surgery tools into these cuts, then the anesthesiologist will pass a sizing tube through your mouth reaching down into the stomach.
After this the doctor will separate the stomach using a laparoscopic stapler, that will lead in to the creation of a narrow sleeve hence the name gastric sleeve.
The part of the stomach that is removed will be taken out of your body through an insition.
The surgeon will test for any leaks in the sleeve with the help of a dye study or an upper endoscopy.

What happens after the surgery?

You will wake up in the hospital or clinic feeling a little tired due to the effects of the anesthetics, you will also find a drip vein attached to your arm to feed you liquids.
Most likely you will be going home on the first day after the surgery, so you will need to have someone take you home and stay with you for at least during that day.
Your doctor will instruct on to have a liquid diet for 2 weeks and will give you a schedule for the meals for the next weeks.
Each meal has to be small you will need to chew your bites very well and eat slowly, and you shouldn't move too quickly to regular food, always consult you dietitian on the matter.
After your stomach heals, you will need to significantly alter your eating habits to support your new much smaller stomach.
However, you will need to get your fill on vitamins, minerals and nutreons so you will have to take multivitamin, plus a calcium-vitamin D supplement daily.
You will also need to follow the doctor's plan for the after surgery that means always showing up top the follow-up appointments and have regular physical and blood tests.
The blood tests are made so that the doctor can determine weather you have anemia or not, that means checking if you have low iron in your blood.
Other reasons for the blood tests is checking for high blood glucose, or low calcium or vitamin D levels, if you have stomach acid you will need to check with your doctor for the medicine.
There is a chance that after losing weight you may regain it again which means that you will have to follow a very healthy diet and get regular exercise.
The change in the lifestyle and eating habits can be hard mentally on some people so be sure to have a psychiatrist and also join a health loss support group.

What are some alternative surgeries?

Gastric sleeve may not be the best choice for you; it could make your health wors or enhance other conditions that you have, wich is why there are other approaches that you can have like:

  • Gastric bypass.
  • Gastric ring.
  • Biliopancreatic diversion.
  • Primary obesity surgery endolumena.

Before making your decision you will have to talk to your doctor and determine the best course of action.


Losing weight can be a challenging and very difficult journey for many people, and you may have to go through many procedures to achieve it.
However with the right approach and a high strong will you will be able to achieve what you strive for.
Gastric sleeve in Tunisia is a well practiced operation, made by the best doctors in the industry in the most highly advanced and modern clinics, and they will be sure to help you reach your body goals.

How Long After Bariatric Surgery Can I Exercise ?

It is advised that you make every effort to stand up and move around as soon as you can. This can help you get rid of trapped wind, which can be a side effect after surgery, and lower your chance of blood clots following surgery.

You should be able to gradually raise your activity levels after around two weeks, if your doctor gives the all-clear. That being said, you should refrain from strenuous activities like lifting, jogging, cycling, or most sports. You should be able to gradually raise the intensity of your workouts after a month to include strenuous activities and heavy lifting. Pay attention to your body's signals and gradually return to it. Each body will respond in a unique way.

How to prevent loose skin after gastric sleeve ?

It is advised that you make every effort to stand up and move around as soon as you can. This can help you get rid of trapped wind, which can be a side effect after surgery, and lower your chance of blood clots following surgery.

You should be able to gradually raise your activity levels after around two weeks, if your doctor gives the all-clear. That being said, you should refrain from strenuous activities like lifting, jogging, cycling, or most sports. You should be able to gradually raise the intensity of your workouts after a month to include strenuous activities and heavy lifting. Pay attention to your body's signals and gradually return to it. Each body will respond in a unique way.

While losing excess fat is certainly a positive thing, protecting oneself from muscle loss—or even from the development of new muscle fibers—acts as a strong barrier against the appearance of drooping lines and the ensuing danger of loose skin.

If you can also achieve a sensible protein intake, your skin will be more elastic and will be able to adjust to your newly sculpted body more easily. Following weight loss surgery, the recommended daily intake of protein should be between 60 and 100 grams.

Which vitamins should i take after gastric sleeve ?

After a vertical sleeve gastrectomy, constant usage of nutritional supplements is required to make up for the loss of vital nutrients. Generally speaking, micronutrients and vitamins A, D, and E are included in multivitamins to help your body and stomach repair as fast as possible.

After a vertical sleeve gastrectomy, constant usage of nutritional supplements is required to make up for the loss of vital nutrients. Generally speaking, micronutrients and vitamins A, D, and E are included in multivitamins to help your body and stomach repair as fast as possible.

Calcium is found in multivitamins, but not in adequate amounts to suit your body's needs. Throughout your life, consume 1000–2000 mg of calcium citrate each day, either as a liquid or as chewable tablets, to avoid calcium insufficiency.

Iron supplements may be recommended by your bariatric surgeon to help you heal quickly without using up all of your energy.

Do you lose hair after gastric sleeve ?

Between three and nine months following a sleeve gastrectomy, hair loss is quite frequent. This issue is more commonly brought on by procedures like gastric bypass that interfere with absorption.

This syndrome is frequently brought on by vitamin deficiencies, low mineral intake, protracted nausea and vomiting episodes, and most importantly, inadequate protein consumption.

If vitamin, mineral, and protein levels are closely monitored and supported in case of insufficiency between the 1-3-6-9 and twelve months after surgery, hair loss can be avoided even before it happens. Particularly, hair loss is strongly associated with biotin, iron, protein, B12, and zinc.

Can i have sex after gastric sleeve ?

After a sleeve gastrectomy, patients have to wait anywhere from ten days to three weeks. This is contingent upon the surgeon's suggestions as well as the scar and stomach's healing. Numerous factors influence its duration, such as the body's capacity for recuperation and the time required to resume regular activities.

Following a sleeve gastrectomy, some people recover more slowly than others. They occasionally could have adverse consequences following the procedure. How long after surgery can I have sex is a question that depends on a number of factors, some of which are listed above. The doctor's advice for activities might be made for a variety of reasons. Exercise and sexual activity are two examples of these behaviors that might affect how well surgery goes.

sleeve gastrectomie en tunisie
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