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Gastric bypass in Tunisia:
a surgery that can save your life

We are all well aware of the multiple risks and dangers of obesity, the high blood pressure, the high cholesterol levels, it even comes down to having the smallest daily tasks hard to do.

However, modern science has created multiple solutions for the problems of obesity and has created ways to better lose weight and without the use of hard exercises, and one of those solutions is the gastric bypass.

How much does a gastric bypass in Tunisia costs?

With a general point of view, the gastric bypass in Tunisia is not highly expensive, in fact it is considered to be fairly well priced compared to other procedures.

Most people are able to pay for the treatment and the medicine that comes after the surgery it self is not expensive.

bypass tunisie

What is gastric bypass surgery?

Gastric bypass is a very precise medical procedure, not to mix it with it's close relative gastric band where a surgical ring is installed in the upper part of the stomach.

The gastric bypass, on the other hand, is where surgical staples are used to create a small pouch at the upper part of the belly making it seem like a smaller stomach.

That means that it takes you smaller amounts of food to feel full and with that you start to loose weight significantly fast.

The surgery can help you to lose up to two-thirds of your excess weight within the first two years.

Gastric bypass in Tunisia is very recommended for people with a higher rate of obesity.

Does gastric bypass in Tunisia exist?

In recent years Tunisia has started to adopt many modern medical surgeries and treatments; one of them is the gastric bypass surgery.

Many clinics and hospitals across the country take part in doing the surgery, and many medical universities have started to teach the surgery amongst many others like it.

There are many doctors dietitians that have started, studied and even mastered the surgery in Tunisia.

How does a gastric bypass works?

The surgery is very precise and uses highly advanced tools.

The surgery uses a mixture of restrictive and malabsorptive techniques; surgical staples are used to significantly decrease the size of the patient's stomach allowing only small amounts of food to enter the patient's system.

In addition to that the change of the course of the food stream produces, changes in the gut hormones promote satiety and that leads to the body suppressing hunger and reversing one of the primary mechanisms that causes obesity to create type 2 diabetes.

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Who can undergo a gastric bypass surgery?

Usually the people that choose to have the gastric bypass surgery have extreme obesity, so much so to the point of it being a high risk to their lives and are unable to perform physical exercises.
Your dietitian may refer you to a specialist for weight management to better discuss your options, a highly skilled team consisting of a surgeon, nurses and psychologists will help you during the whole journey.

gastric bypass in Tunisia requires some specifications that you need to have in order to be eligible for the surgery the such as:

  • Having a body max index of 40 or more
  • Having a BMI of 35 to 40 and a medical condition such as type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure
  • You must be willing to commit to a long-term follow-up procedure and appointment
  • You need to be aware that there is no going back after having the surgery
  • You must be over the age of 18, although children who have extreme conditions are considered.
  • Usually, you will be considered if you have tried other methods of losing weight and they didn't work.

How to Prepare for a gastric bypass surgery?

Usually, the hospital or clinic that you chose will inform you of all the preferations that you need to do before the surgery.
If you are a smoker, your doctor will order you to stop to significantly lower the risk of having infections in your chest.

Your doctor will also instruct you to have a low-fat low-carbohydrate diet for two weeks prior to the surgery to shrink the liver, that will allow the surgeon to access the stomach easily making the surgery significantly easier.

Gastric bypass is performed under general anaesthesia which means that you will be asked to fast for 6 hours before the surgery, you may however be able to drink water until 2 hours prior to the procedure.

To prevent blood cloth forming in you leg you will be asked to wear compression stockings on your legs, you will also be having an injection of an anti-clotting medicine.

Your doctor will be informing you of every step of the procedure before, during and after to help you better understand the whole journey, so you must ask all questions that you need to ask to.

You will also be signing a consent form before the surgery confirming that you indeed agree to undergo the surgery.

What happens during the surgery?

The gastric bypass is a tricky surgery, luckily Tunisia has very skillful and professional team of doctors that will make sure the procedure goes smoothly.
Gastric bypass usually takes about one to two hours and it is done using keyhole surgery, meaning the surgeon will make small cuts along your stomach apposed to the usual large cut.

The surgery is done using small and very precise tools guided by a telescope with a camera.

In some cases the doctor will switch from a keyhole surgery to an open surgery during the procedure.

Your surgeon will separate the top part of the stomach from the lower with a pouch part using surgical staples, after that they will make an opening in the pouch and connect it to a section of your small bowel.

This will make the food pass through the lower part of the stomach making the pouch act like a smaller tummy.

With that the consumption of food will be lower significantly because you will feel full very fast, and you’ll be able to absorb enough nutrients from your food.

After the surgery is done, the doctor will then close the cuts with stitches and place a dressing over the wounds.

What happens after the surgery?

At the hospital

After the surgery is done, you will need to rest up and wait for the anesthetic to wear off, but you will need to move around as soon as you can to prevent blood cloth from forming in your leg, you might also need some pain relifing medicine.

The hospital or clinic will be sure to give you something to prevent deep vein thrombosis, for example they might give you pads to wear, they will be attached to an intermittent compression pump on your lower legs to boost the blood flow.

You will also have a drip put into a vein in your arm to give you fluids, after a small period of time and if you feel well enough you can start drinking small amounts of water.

At home

Usually, the hospital will allow you to leave after two days, it is very advised to have someone like a friend or a family member come pick you up.

Before leaving the hospital the nurse will be telling you how to care for you wounds, what medicines should you take and will give you dates to your follow-up appointments.

It will take about 3 weeks to recover from a gastric bypass surgery.

The doctor will instruct you to stick to a liquid diet for the first period after the operation.

What are the lifestyle changes after the surgery?

You will need to have major changes in your life after a gastric bypass surgery especially when it comes to what you eat.
The volume of your stomach will be lower that means you will have to consume smaller amounts of food and slowly.

The first period after the treatment will consist majorly on a liquid diet, you can then move to mashed food and then solid food during the first four to six weeks. While you have to eat less, you will also need to make sure that you are taking enough minerals and vitamins.
Not making sure that you get enough nutrients in your system can effect you badly, for example if don’t get enough iron it may cause anaemia .

Your doctor may also instruct you to inject vitamin B12 and have regular blood tests.
You will also need to do more exercise and drink less alcohol and cut down significantly on smoking if you are a smoker to prevent the chance of having chest infections.

After the surgery your whole life style will change, and that can be hard or depressing for some people so it is very advised to see a psychologist or a support group, luckily Tunisia offers many options in that domain with a highly professional staff.

What are the risks of gastric bypass surgery?

Like every other medical procedure, gastric bypass has some risks to it such as:

  • The chance of having an infection on the wound or in the chest.
  • You may bleed too much causing you to have another opiration.
  • You may get a leak at the point where you intestine is re-joined to your stomach, in the case of this happening you will need to have an operation as soon as possible.
  • There is the chance of getting an internal hermia, This is caused when one of the two bowel loops that are created during surgery twists under the other, this will then result in the blood being blocked.
  • You may have some stomach pains and have a hard time adapting to the new diet
  • You can start bleeding from a stomach ulcer, this can happen often if you are a smoker so it is very advised to cut down or quit it.

What are some alternatives to gastric bypass?

Modern medicine offers many options and procedures when it comes to weight lost and batteling obesity, some of those options are:

  • Gastric band surgery
  • Gastric sleeve surgery
  • Intra-gastric balloon
  • Biliopancreatic diversion

Gastric bypass in Tunisia is one of the better options to have in the country.

Gastric bypass is still a somewhat a new practice, yet it has so much potential due to the significant interest that both people and the medical society.
It might come with some risks, and you may have to change your life style for ever, but once you do and start losing weight and seeing the changes with your own eyes you will understand that it's very worthed.

What can i eat after gastric bypass ?

Stomach reduction and changes to the digestive system can pose nutritional challenges for weight loss surgery patients and increase the risk of nutritional deficiencies. You need to provide your body with what it needs to stay functional and healthy. As a bariatric weight loss surgery patient, you'll likely work with a nutritionist to help you develop healthy menus.

Your doctor will provide you with a list of supplements you'll need to take every day, as you won't be able to eat enough to meet your body's daily needs and avoid nutritional deficiencies. As your stomach will have a limited capacity, you'll need to make conscious choices about what you eat.

It's imperative to ensure that you make choices that concentrate the most nutrients in the smallest portions, providing the body with what it needs first. Opt for foods rich in vitamins and protein, and low in carbohydrates, fat and sugar.

How to avoid weight gain after gastric bypass ?

Weight regain usually occurs in patients who fail to follow the recommended dietary intake and lifestyle changes required after surgery. It's essential to stop eating when you're full, avoid falling back into old, unhealthy habits, and find ways to cope with stress, anxiety, loneliness and other emotions that can lead to binge eating. Remember, nothing beats a healthy diet and regular exercise program to ensure you maintain a healthy, ideal weight years after your gastric bypass surgery. Don't forget to always consult your doctor if you have any health problems. This gives you peace of mind that you won't have to struggle with obesity problems again.

Can you get pregenant after gastric bypass ?

In general, surgeons recommend waiting at least 12 to 24 months after a bypass operation before trying to conceive a child. This period may vary depending on your personal situation and other possible medical conditions.

It is imperative to be fully recovered after gastric bypass surgery and to maintain a healthy lifestyle. After gastric bypass surgery, your body will need some time to heal from the trauma of the operation and stabilize your weight. It's important to leave enough time between bariatric surgery and pregnancy so that your baby can be carried to term without any problems. By adhering to safety measures and maintaining the nutritional intake recommended by a qualified health professional, pregnancy after bypass surgery can proceed safely.

When can you exercise after gastric bypass ?

Surgeons recommend starting exercise slowly after gastric bypass, whether exercise is new to you or you're looking to get back into your regular routine. Taking things slowly at first is necessary to help your body heal. In the beginning, make sure you don't push yourself too hard. At first, you may need to focus simply on getting back to your normal daily activities. When you're ready to do more, try deep breathing and flexibility exercises. These activities will keep your body healthy and prepare you to perform better when you begin more intense exercise. After four weeks, your body should be ready to move slowly toward normal exercise goals. Gradually increase the duration of your exercise, paying attention to how your body reacts. After six weeks, you might consider adding muscle-strengthening exercises to your routine. The recommendation would be at least two days a week.

When can you sleep on your stomach after gastric bypass ?

To avoid any recovery problems after gastric bypass surgery, do not sleep on your stomach for at least three weeks. Surgeons recommend sleeping on your back or in a 90° semi-seated position. In this way, you'll allow your body to heal properly.

On the other hand, many patients choose to sleep in a recliner to avoid involuntarily changing position during sleep. If this is the case for you, consider what best suits your needs. The more attention you pay to detail, the greater your chances of achieving an excellent result after bariatric surgery.

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